This post isn’t for everyone

Seth Godin talks more about Tribes and how they work.

This screams against all the ways that we talk about church.  It’s for everyone.  Of course your welcome.  We’re for everyone.

The thing is YOUR Church isn’t for everyone.  Is it?  We have denominations.  We have types.  We have styles.  He have different structures and rules.  Why do we pretend that OUR church is for everyone?

Perhaps we should start being honest and targeting the people in our niche?  And before you protest… is that a woman’s guild you have there?  A youth group?  A parent and toddler group?

1 thought on “This post isn’t for everyone”

  1. This was, for me, the biggest learn and a challenge from Tribes.

    Who are the nice I can serve? But what about Paul and being “all things” to everyone. Hmmm, maybe that’s the wider church’s job, and local expressions are based around who they are.

    So it comes back to identity – knowing who you are.

    Great observation – you’re sure it wasn’t a rant, right? Nah, just passionate for the church to be who were made to be, right?

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