
Today history is made.  Dreams become reality.  Hope triumphs.

It was good to watch the ‘We Are One’ concert at Lincoln’s feet where celebrities and singers paid respect to the President Elect.  Only one of them took the chance to remind Barack Obama of the task that lies ahead.  Only one band were brave enough to point beyond the celebration and the moment to a wider world where history needs making, where dreams lie in taters and where hope if the most precious thing in the world.

4 thoughts on “Today…”

  1. Wonder which band!! wonderful thanks for posting it. Indeed history will be made today and doesn’t he need our prayers with quite literally the whole world on his shoulders. Exciting day!

  2. (Begin cheekiness)
    it took guts for Pete Seager to get up there and sing that song.

    sorry, did I miss the point?
    (cheekiness ended)

  3. Quite interesting that USA despite being the biggest country in the world (well top three) has chooses to use an Irish band to celebrate a huge national event! I am not sure the Uk would ever have done that. Due to the promotion of “Brand Britain” opportunities it would afford.

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