
I’m a whole week into my marathon training and the weather is already testing my motivation.

I’ve been soaked, blown about and cold.  I’ve also had some really good runs.

I ran with someone for the first time in years on Thursday and enjoyed the company.  Anthony is also training for his first marathon and he’s also blogging about it.  We ran a couple of laps round Strathclyde Park, 7 miles or so, at an easy pace, chatting as we went.  The miles passed really quick and it was good to get to know Anthony a bit better.

I skipped the parkrun on Saturday because of the weather but it’s not in my training schedule so I didn’t feel guilty!

On Sunday I couldn’t be bothered.  I’d been swimming with the boys in afternoon, the rain had come on and it was cold but I’m glad I dragged myself out of the house and had a great 6km run.

So, one week in and all is well.  Apart from a minor case of runner’s nipple…  That hurts!!!

This week’s (21-27 November) totals:  32.79km  in 3:16:08 with an average pace of 5:57 min/km using 2533 calories.

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