Small Rituals

Danah Boyd has written a thought provoking piece about social scripts and the place of ritual following her experience at her friend and mentor’s recent memorial service.  It’s a great exploration of how ritual is so important to us and it resonated deeply.

We followed a home liturgy over Easter this year and it was really moving and great to have something to do each day of Holy Week which would tell the easter story and involve the whole family.

We have a friend, Fyona, who has been drawn to Judaism and part of the attraction in that is the structure and ritual.  I often feel that is one of Christianity’s weaknesses.  We can do liturgy well, particularly in the Anglican tradition I think, but we miss so many opportunities to engage in stories and actions, rituals if you like.  I think we should take a leaf from the faith of Jesus and think about how we pass our stories from generation to generation through symbol and word and action.